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A self-hosted web app to Sell Digital Products.

Dcreator is the all-in-one solution for marketing, selling, and managing your creations. Our self-hosted web app provides you with the tools you need to maximize your online sales.


Powerful Marketing


Robust Store Management


Comprehensive Customer Relationship

Elevate your brand's online presence.

SEO Optimization: Craft compelling meta titles, descriptions, and URLs to ensure your products rank high on search engines, driving organic traffic to your store.

Build authority and connect with your audience through an integrated blog. Share valuable content, industry insights, and updates to establish your expertise.


We are standing on the shoulders of giants by using open source software. This gives us the power and flexibility to build a high-quality app that can scale to meet the needs of our users.

Next.js 13

App dir, Routing, Layouts, Loading UI and API routes.

React 18

Server and Client Components. Use hook.


ORM using Prisma and deployed on PlanetScale.

Shadcn UI

UI components built using Radix UI and styled with Tailwind CSS.


Authentication using NextAuth.js and middlewares.


Checkout payment using Stripe.

We're committed to making Dcreators even better. Through regular updates and feedback-driven enhancements.


Frequently AskedQuestions

Know More

is Dcreator alternative to digital marketplace?minus

No, Dcreator is more like a digital portfolio with an integrated store. It's a place where content creators can exhibit their projects, share their creative journey, and present their skills to potential clients or customers. While Dcreator does offer the option to sell digital products, its emphasis lies in creating a professional and personalized space for creators to showcase their work.

Is there a cost to using Dcreator?plus

Is Dcreator easy to install and customize?plus

Proudly Open Source

we believe in the power of collaboration. Allowing developers to contribute, customize, and enhance the app to suit their unique needs.
The code is available on GitHub.